About Osenc

Osenc Magnet Co.,Ltd

Osenc Magnet Co.Ltd was found in 2019.

Osenc is a small trading company, a subsidiary of the factory. Not the same as the trade department of the factory.

We have a factory background, but we are an independent accounting trading company. This means that we can use the resources of our factory to serve our customers, and we are also free to source in the market (if our factory’s quotation is not advantageous).

Product Positioning

In order to provide all our customers with quality products and first-class service, we only provide customers with products that we have advantages


We only focus on the sales of NdFeB (tiny magnets,big magnet, high grade)

Magnetic Assembly

OEM motors, magnetic couplings, small rotor wind turbines

Core competence

Our core competency is the high understanding of magnetic fields and excellent metal processing capabilities.

History (Factory)

Our factory was initially engaged in the production of NdFeB. But with the increasing competition in the market, our shareholders finally did not turn to high-performance magnet production like other large enterprises. We chose magnetic assembly. It’s a rough road. Because whether it is the China market or the international market. There is no real company that focuses on magnetic components. Fortunately, we survived in the end. Thanks to our scientific research team and our customers.

R & D team (Factory)

Our R&D team is composed of experienced engineers. In addition to their academic background in magnetics, they have extensive experience in the design, assembly, and simulation of magnetic components.

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